蒼南縣裕家機械有限公司坐落于素有“中國印刷城”之稱的溫州龍港,自1995年成立以來,始終秉承“業(yè)精于勤”的原則,研究開發(fā)床上用品機械,卷筒紙橫切機,卷筒紙滾刀橫切機系列,產品質量通過ISO9001 2000版認證,已發(fā)展成為一家專業(yè)性極強的生產廠家,在同行業(yè)中獨樹一幟,口碑極佳。 隨著紙品加工業(yè)印刷工業(yè)的不斷發(fā)展,我司生產的卷筒橫切機,滾刀橫切機系列深受各紙品生產商及經銷商的青睞,是紙品加工行業(yè)不可或缺的印前加工設備。產品遠銷東南亞、中東等地!耙钥萍记蟀l(fā)展”、“以質量求生存”是我們裕家人的經營方針, 我們的愿與您攜手并進,共創(chuàng)輝煌,我們的愿望——盡心盡力為您創(chuàng)造一個利潤可觀的市場! ≈饕a品:YJ1200型、YJ1400型,YJ1600型橫切機,滾刀橫切機采用日產安川伺服電機、松下變頻器、電腦觸摸屏顯示,機械操作簡單靈活、維修方便,更確保機械在高速運作情況下保持裁切精度及機械的穩(wěn)定。 Located in Chinese printing city, Longgang,Cangnan Yujia Bedding Mechanism Co.,Ltd has researched and developed series bedding mechanism, series transverse cutting machine for paper tube by taking “Practice makes perfect” as the principle since 1992. Spending much manpower and financial, it has developed as a manufactory of strong production capacity, well appraised in this industry. With constant development and competition in paper printing industry, roll cutting machine has been a necessary equipment for current paper printing. YJ800, YJ1400, YJ1600, YJ2000 roll transverse cutting machine and YJ1400, YJ1600 transverse cutting machine apply Panasonic servo motor and microcomputer display. With the advantages of easy and flexible operation, convenient maintenance, keeping cutting precision and mechanical stability in high speed, these products are widely used in every paper printing plants. Our products are sold far to Southeast Asia, Mideast, or even all over the country including Guangzhou, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Ha’erbin, etc.. “Creditable and faithful”, “service first” is our management policy. Our company owns a lots of excellent technical personnel and advanced technical equipments to create a market of much profit for you with our heart.